Youth Group at 5:00 PM (starting a new study)

Starts: September 11, 2022 at 5:00 PM

Ends: September 11, 2022 at 7:30 PM

We want to personally invite you to Youth Group on Sunday night at 5:00 PM in the church basement. We have food, a Bible Study, prayer, and game/free time. Each week we will start with preparing and enjoying a meal. We will dig into Scriptures and one of the biggest questions today - why is there suffering? After the Bible Study, we will take some time to pray for each other and needs that are on our hearts. We will end the night with game/free time. Bottom line, let’s have fun!

This is the place to be on Sunday nights if you are in grades 7th-12th. Not only is there interactive Bible study that connects with what you are facing in everyday life, there are games, activities, and time just to hang out and visit with other kids your age.

5:00 > 6:00 – Food – we will be cooking and eating together.
6:00 > 6:30 – Bible Study
6:30 > 6:45 – Prayer - for each other and needs that are on our hearts.
6:45 > 7:30 – Game Time / Free Time (new air hockey and ping pong).

Starting a NEW study - September 11th at 5:00 - Shaken by Tim Tebow.

In this powerful series, Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow passionately shares glimpses of his journey staying grounded in the face of disappointment, criticism, and intense media scrutiny. Following an exceptional college football career with the Florida Gators and a promising playoff run with the Denver Broncos, Tebow was traded to the New York Jets. He was released after one season.

In Shaken, Tebow talks about what he's learned along the way, building confidence in his identity in God, not the world. This moving series features practical wisdom from Scripture and insights gained from others who have impacted Tebow in life-changing ways.

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