First Baptist Church of Elimsport

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We are glad you are taking a moment to check out our website. Elimsport Baptist exists to glorify God and multiply followers of Him. We hope what you find will make you want to come visit us in person.

Sunday School at 9:30 AM in person
Worship is at 10:45 AM both at the church and online

Youth Group – Sunday at 5:00 PM
Men’s Small Group at 7:00 PM – 1st and 3rd Sunday.

Ballet Classes on Monday at 6:00 PM
Ballet Classes on Tuesday at 5:00 PM

Boys Club at 6:00 – 7:15 PM
Prayer Meeting at 7:30 PM both onsite and via zoom

Please see ‘What to Expect’ for more information on planning your visit here!

Are you looking for a place to grow in your faith and connect with others? Elimsport Baptist Church welcomes you to join us in person on Sundays for Sunday School at 9:30 AM followed by worship at 10:45 AM. We also offer an online option for those who are unable to attend in person. Our youth group meets on Sundays at 5:00 PM, providing a safe and engaging space for teens to learn and grow together.

For the men in our congregation, we have a small group that meets on the first and third Sunday of every month at 7:00 PM. This is a great opportunity to connect with other men and deepen your understanding of God’s Word.


A note from Intrada: We just fixed this to update automatically. You no longer need to manually add sermons to this list using the instructions I sent last month. Post the sermon, and your new plugin will take care of the rest.

Foundations of Our Faith – the Doctrine of Salvation Part 2

  As we continue the study of God’s plan of redemption for us, we will start with the bad news – our condition.  We will look at why we needed Jesus to die for us and what is involved in His gracious provision.  I will lay out the theology of our redemption in simple terms helping us all to grasp a little better the rich truths found in Isaiah 6 and 53, Romans 3, 5,6 and 8.  I hope you will join in this study of God’s beautiful gift of Redemption.    

Foundations of Our Faith: The doctrine of Salvation

Good Soil published a book called “The Story of Hope” and in it we read this:  “[The Bible] contains more than 500 stories involving nearly 3,000 charters.  Yet beautifully interwoven from cover to cover through all the Bible’s various stories is one Big Story . . .The Story of Hope – the story that unveils God’s unique provision in His plan to bring eternal hope to people of all times and places.”  In this message, continuing the Foundations of Faith series, I want to give an overview of the Doctrine of Salvation, the message of the Gospel, God’s redemption story

Committing to the Lifestyle God Intended

In John Lenin’s misguided humanistic song “Imagine”, he has on one level, a good intention. He wants to see a world that lives in peace and harmony. In his mind, the barrier to that is religion, and he essentially blames religion for the lack of peace and the root of all war and the fallout of war. The song wants a good thing, but it totally misses the real pathway to that ; following God’s plan.  This song is a vivid embodiment of Satan’s lie. What we describe in the last part of our church covenant is living the ethic

Coming Events

We are a church committed to fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. We believe that our purpose here is to help believers grow in Christ and to together proclaim God’s glory to the world.

First and Third Sunday of the month

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