Pastor Todd has pastored First Baptist since 2000. He and his family count it a blessing to minister to this wonderful congregation and have enjoyed growing together with them here in beautiful Central PA.
29 years ago Todd married his wonderful wife Kristi. God has given them 4 children, Caleb, Benjamin, Abigail, and Josiah. They all enjoy the outdoors, camping, hiking in the State Forest, and spending time together as a family. There is a special place in their heart for children from hard places and they have been a Foster family for 5 years.
Pastor Todd has a Bachelors of Religious Education from Davis College, Johnson City NY (Formerly Practical Bible College). He has also done graduate work at Baptist Bible Seminary in Clarks Summit, PA and at Capital Bible Seminary along with other training in Biblical Counseling. Todd considers it a privilege to show how God has provided answers to our problems in His Word and how He gives us the power through His Spirit to successfully navigate the challenges of life.