4 events found.
Communion Service
First Baptist Church of Elimsport 16818 State Route 44, Allenwood, PA, United StatesJoin us for an evening communion service beginning at 6:30. There will be a time of congregational singning, testimonies, and reflecting on what Christ did for us on the cross. A refreshment time will follow in the fellowship hall, just bring some finger food to share if you are able.
Pennwood Bible Camp ATV retreat
Pennwood Bible Camp Men’s Retreat
Pennwood Bible Camp Ladies Craft Day
Regular Weekly Activities
Sunday School at 9:30 AM in person
Worship is at 10:45 AM both at the church and online
Youth Group – Sunday at 5:00 PM
Men’s Small Group at 7:00 PM – 1st and 3rd Sunday.
Monday – Tuesday
Ballet Classes on Monday start at 6:00 PM
Ballet Classes on Tuesday start at 5:00 PM
Boys Club at 6:00 – 7:15 PM
Prayer Meeting at 7:30 PM both onsite and via zoom
Please see ‘What to Expect’ for more information on planning your visit here!