What are you doing with your life that Satan would love to stop? What are you doing that Satan would love to see you keep doing? Those are two big battlefields in your life: the things that you know you should do for God and the things you know that God wants you to give…
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Special Guest – Cliff Bourne
A special guest speaker, Cliff Bourne, shared how the creation clearly declares a Creator. We accept the Genesis account of creation and believe that man came by direct creation of God and not by evolution. We understand the Bible to clearly teach that the creation of the world took place in six literal, consecutive, 24…
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The Delusion of Safety and Self-Sufficiency
There are two things we tend to believe that are completely untrue in our walk with God. The first is that we are sufficient in ourselves to live the Christian life and obey all the commands God has given us. The second in that things will by nature work towards our success as believers if…
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What Does God Say About Work? Part 2
This week we want to continue our study on work. Last week we looked at some of the good that comes from work that you may not have thought of before, this week we will take what we started and build on it, looking at the words God gave us through the Apostle Paul. I…
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What Does God Say About Work?
What do you think about work? Is it just a means to an end; a way to provide what you need and want? Is it a blessing or a curse? Does it define you? In this sermon series we will be taking a look at what God says about it and see how the common…
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Changing the World from Home Part 2
Dr. John MacArthur said, "The family was God’s first earthly institution. Before there was a government, and long before God instituted the church, He ordained marriage and the family as the basic building block of society. The destruction of the family we are witnessing today is, I believe, a harbinger of the ultimate collapse of…
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God is in control
Join in this week as Dr. Henry Johnson shares with us from Psalm 97 and encourages us in this day when encouragement is hard to find. Dr. Johnson will point us to the sufficiency of God and His Word for the problems we face. Come be encouraged and find a new perspective to take into…
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Changing the World From Home Part 1
I am excited about sharing from God's Word regarding how we can change the world from home (and I'm not talking about working from home!). In addition to singing and being blessed with some special music, I want to share with you from God's Word some critical teachings for children and parents. I also want…
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Another outdoor service!
We are looking forward to another outdoor service this Sunday, August 30! We hope you will come join us. It is weather dependent; if there is a risk of rain we will move things indoors. Thankfully, at this point, the weather forecast is looking great for tomorrow! The service is Bring-Your-Own-Chair. We will have rows marked…
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I Disagree!
One of the biggest problems I observe in the news today that drains the hope out of seeing meaningful, productive changes in public policy and opinion is that as a society we have become extremely polarized, and while we have much disagreement, we have little quality debate and only small amounts of polite, meaningful dialogue.…
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