Finding Our Joy in Christ

What do you see as the source of ultimate joy?  What is the one goal that you are seeking after that you believe, once it is achieved, you will be truly satisfied?

So often we find, that once we have achieved such a goal, that the happiness is short-lived.  Very soon, we see that there is another horizon we want to reach, another mountain peak that looks like the ultimate accomplishment.  Could it be that all the things we have been seeking to give us happiness and fulfillment are just mirages?  Have you ever considered that Jesus is the ultimate source of satisfaction and joy?  What if all the things that Jesus is calling us to do are not about duty, but delight?  What if they are not meant to keep us from pleasure, but rather to help us find the ultimate pleasure?

Many years ago, John Piper wrote a book called Desiring God.  It became the name of his ministry, and for decades now he has been teaching that the Christian life is to be about delight, not duty.  His arguments make sense, they square with Scripture, and millions have praised his insight, yet we somehow keep falling back to the fallacy that to follow God means denying pleasure.  In this message today I want to explore what the Scriptures say is the true source of joy and why we have trouble believing it.

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