Standing Strong in the Lord

What are you doing with your life that Satan would love to stop?  What are you doing that Satan would love to see you keep doing?  Those are two big battlefields in your life: the things that you know you should do for God and the things you know that God wants you to give up.  Two weeks ago we looked at the reality of spiritual warfare and the danger of thinking we are able to handle it ourselves.  This week we want to continue that study, looking at how we can be successful in it.  We truly live in …

Special Guest – Cliff Bourne

A special guest speaker, Cliff Bourne, shared how the creation clearly declares a Creator. We accept the Genesis account of creation and believe that man came by direct creation of God and not by evolution. We understand the Bible to clearly teach that the creation of the world took place in six literal, consecutive, 24 hour days, and that God rested on the seventh day (Genesis. 1 and 2; Exodus 20:11, 31:17; Colossians. 1:16-17; John 1:3).

The Delusion of Safety and Self-Sufficiency

There are two things we tend to believe that are completely untrue in our walk with God.  The first is that we are sufficient in ourselves to live the Christian life and obey all the commands God has given us.  The second in that things will by nature work towards our success as believers if we don’t mess them up.  Both of these beliefs are wrong, they are a delusion. All through Scripture God calls on us to look to Him for strength, to “Abide in the vine” which refers to being to Him through prayer and His Word.  Scripture …

What Does God Say About Work? Part 2

This week we want to continue our study on work.  Last week we looked at some of the good that comes from work that you may not have thought of before, this week we will take what we started and build on it, looking at the words God gave us through the Apostle Paul.  I think it will give you a completely new perspective on your job and will help you as you get ready to start this new work week whether at home or at a job site. I hope you will join in! You can click the video …