Learning from other’s mistakes . . . or not

George Santayana said: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”.  It might be more accurate to say, “Those who don’t learn from the past are condemned to repeat it” because it is possible to know something without really benefitting from that knowledge.  I’m afraid I can testify that it happens a lot.  It is not good enough to know, we have to act on what we know. In Daniel 4 we saw Nebuchadnezzar learn a very important lesson by a very difficult means.  God had to drive him from the throne with a bout of insanity …

How do you handle success?

We often hear that difficult times are what reveals a person’s true character, but I think that prosperous times might be just as telling, just as likely to produce a fall.  How a person handles success and prosperity is just as telling of there character than how they handle a trial.  Maybe more so. In the midst of a trial, we feel our weaknesses and they often drive us to help. In the midst of successes, however, we tend to only see our strengths and accomplishments and can be blind to dangerous weaknesses and tendencies that may ruin us.  This …

Taking the Good News to Children

But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14 NKJV) This passage emphasizes the high view Jesus had of children and the importance of us having the same.  Jesus loves kids and calls us to care for them and nourish them, not just physically and emotionally, but spiritually also.  Many times adults look at the children’s ministries of the church as something that is done simply as a practical matter to give the adults some peace and quite in the “big people’s church”, but …

Getting the Word Out

It’s extremely valuable and meant for everyone; but some countries don’t allow it.  In spite of it’s universal nature, some countries can’t get it.  Here in America, however, it can be found free online or for $1 at your local Dollar Tree.  What is it?  God’s Word, the Bible. We often don’t realize the treasure that we hold in our hands and the amazing, life-giving, life-changing message it holds.  Today, our guest speaker is going to share with us some of the ways God’s Word has changed lives and tell us about the opportunities we have to help get a …