Responding Well to Correction

Can you remember the last time someone corrected you?  How did you feel about that?  Were you glad or sad or angry?  Correction is something we all need at times, some more than others, but we are often resistant.  To accept correction means we are admitting we were wrong.  Admitting we were wrong means admitting we are not perfect and that someone knew something we didn’t or they discovered something we hoped would remain hidden. Ouch. Our prideful natures do not like that.  But do we really want to go through life being wrong?  Does it really help us if …

Moved to Prayer

What impact does watching the news have on you? What impact does the Word of God have on you?  Sometimes, it should be the same – intense prayer.  The pain, suffering, and depravity we see on the news should drive us to call out to God.  The wonder, awe, and terror that come from getting a good view of God and ourselves through the Scriptures should also drive us to God.  In fact, the more we thoughtfully read God’s Words, the more we see the world through His eyes, and the more we will want his intervention in it. Daniel …

Help for Understanding God’s Ways

When things go bad in the world, we often start to wonder what God is doing. Why is He allowing so many problems, so much trouble? We are tempted to think, to worry, that maybe God has faded from the scene or stopped caring. Because He knows our humanness and our tendencies, God has taken steps to prepare us for bad times. He has always done that for His people. Over the next few weeks, we are going to see this as we continue our study in Daniel. We are not just going to look at the “what” of prophecy, …

From Disillusionment to Joy

“He is Risen!” was not the first words some of the disciples said when they heard about the empty tomb.  Most were saying “He is Missing!”.  Maybe that is how you feel sometimes.  Sometimes  we expect God to show up in a certain way: heal a friend, fix a problem, calm this chaotic world.  Sometimes He does just what we hoped but sometimes He doesn’t.  Does it mean He is missing?  Has He failed?  Does He not really care? That is how many of the disciples felt.  Their world was turned upside down when they saw Him die on the …