Back to School with God – Part 2

Do you sometimes feel confused about God?  You wonder where He is or what in the world is He doing?  You wonder why He is letting certain things happen to you or why He isn’t relieving the pain you experiencing.  Please know that God never abandon’s His own, but He does let them experience difficulty as part of the prosses of conforming us to the image of His Son (Romans 8:28-29). While “God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, nor our His ways our ways” (Isaiah 55), He does give us quite a bit of insight into many of the methods …

Back to School With God

School. It’s a very controversial term. Some kids are excited about returning to school and will say so. Others loath the idea of returning and make that abundantly clear. What about adults? Again, we are divided. Some are glad to have the stable, six-hours-a-day, state mandated activity return. Others dread the transportation issues, the homework, the calls from the school office, or the need to begin homeschooling again. Wherever you land on this, the fact is, education is necessary and all of us should seek to be lifetime learners. This is not just true in the academic realm, it is …

Justice for All – Helping the Poor

Our world is filled with poverty.  While we in the Western world know prosperity like never before, the majority of the world’s population struggles with many dying of starvation on a daily basis.  The problems are staggering and more than any of us can handle, if we only look at the whole. If however, we each do what we are able, it can make a huge difference.  The problem is, many don’t.  Also, many big efforts that are made are misguided and once again there is division and controversy on what to do.  Once again, however, the Bible speaks and …

Justice for All – What is the Proper View of LGBTQ?

In this continuing look at issues of injustice, we come to questions regarding the LGBTQ community: Should they be a protected class?  What special accommodations should we be giving them?  Do we need to reconsider our traditional views of what it means to be human, to be male or female?  How should Christians be responding to all the cultural upheaval that is coming from this?  Does God give us any answers or insight? This message will seek to address these questions, largely by looking at the underlying beliefs and assumptions that accompany this debate.  It will seek to give some …

Justice for All – Addressing Racism Biblically

If we believe that racism is wrong based on the objective Word of God (See “What is Our Authority“), then we should also look  to the same source for the solution of racism.  This message seeks to find a distinctively biblical method to address both our own tendencies towards bias and how to practice brining unity to a very divided world. Previously we looked at the problems with one of the current models addressing racism, Critical Race Theory, now we want to spend more time looking at a biblical view of the problem to know how to take steps to …