The Master Bomber

“We love because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19) or you could say “We Grace Bomb because He first Bombed us”  In my last message I introduced the idea of sharing God’s grace through Grace Bombs.  But why would anyone want to give a surprise, generous gift to someone they might not even know, someone who has never done anything for them? The above passage from the Bible tells us why.  Jesus was the first and ultimate Grace Bomber.  He gave Himself for us.  He loved us in spite of our rebellion against Him, in spite of all the …

Grace Built

We tend to think of relationships as transactions: we give to get.  But if you have put your trust in Jesus Christ alone to deliver you from sin and lead you, you have experienced grace – getting something that we neither paid for nor ever have the capacity to repay.  You have experienced what it means to be grace built. The gift, however, is not meant to stop there.  God has blessed us to bless others.  In the Bible, in the book of Ephesians, God said, “we are His [God’s] workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God …

A Faith Big Enough for the Bad Times

What is your faith system like?  What is yours like?  Is it big enough to answer the hard questions?  Can it sustain you when the bottom falls out in your life? We all have a faith system. Whether it is secular humanism, which puts faith in things like chance, the goodness of man, and the ability of science to answer our questions, or whether it is a faith that believes in one or more deities, we all have faith in something.  This message is about faith in the God of the Bible.  Faith that is based on what God’s Word …

Back to School With God – Part 3

This week we wrap up our series with an in-depth look at one of the most essential elements of God’s training for us.  Some people take full advantage of this crucial aspect of Christianity, others despise it, to their own loss. I am speaking of the church.  As believers, we are all part of the universal church, made up of all believers from Pentecost to the Rapture.  Most of the time, however, when the Bible uses the Word Church, it refers to the local church.  God intends for us to function in locally organized assemblies.   We are told not to …