Repulsive Christianity

So if God was giving out spiritual report cards, how do you think you would make out?  What criteria do you think God would use? As mentioned before, these seven letters in Revelation 2 nd 3 are spiritual report cards to the 7 seven churches and sadly, several need remediation. None of them, however, need it as badly as the Church in Laodicea. They have received, by far, the harshest reprimand.  On top of that, there is no praise, only an offer to repent and be a welcomed guest of Christ’s.  There sin?  Mainly pride.  It tends to be the …

An Encouragement to Faithfulness

I remember about 10 years ago I was helping to load a full length flatbed trailer with haybales.  I was on the ground with two of my boys while the farmer was on the truck.  I hadn’t worked that hard physically in quite a while and by the time we were on the top layer, my arms felt like jelly and I found myself with my head sagging.  I no longer looked up, I just kept picking up the next bale and tossing it on the elevator.  The only thing that kept me going was a little pride, a sense …

The Dead Church

Annual doctor visits are recommended because there are a variety of cancers and medical conditions that can be successfully treated if they are caught it time.  Unfortunately, many people walk around with serious health conditions, such as blocked arteries and dangerously high blood pressure, and they don’t even know it.  They need an outside source, generally a professional like a Dr., to give them the diagnosis they are missing while there is still time to treat it. So it is in the spiritual realm.  Many Christians don’t realize how far they have fallen from fellowship with Christ because they have …

Walking on Thin Ice

Not every message is encouraging or inspirational.  Sometimes bad news needs to be delivered, hard things need to be said.  So it is with the letter to the Church in Thyatira.  They may have thought because of all their good works and their busyness for God that everything was good, but it was not.  In the midst of this loving, hard working church, was  horrible immorality.  Some were believing the lie that is was okay, others may have just tolerated it to be polite, but God was outraged.  His letter expresses this and gives one more chance for them to …

Do You Know?

Do you know what book of the Bible you would find the 10 Commandments in?  Do you know why there is a book called Numbers or what Leviticus is about?  Do you know where God first talks about marriage?  Do you know who God used to pen the first 5 books of the Bible and what connects them together as a unit? This Sunday in the Adult Sunday School class, we are going to be looking at answers to those questions.  We are beginning a workbook called “Let Me Introduce You to the Bible” written by my friend, Pastor Rob …