Before the Throne of God

What is God like?  What would it be like to stand before His throne?  Would it be wonderful, or dreadful? In Revelation 4, we see John finding out the answer to this.  But the real message is not “what is it like to look into Heaven”; the important question is, “what is HE like?” This message will take a look at the most awe-inspiring vision a person could have; a glimpse of God, sitting on His throne, in all His glory and power.  We will look at what it is like AND what the significance is to us, right now …

What do you know that you don’t really know?

In this information saturated world that we live in, facts and statistics are everywhere and can be accessed in milliseconds.  The problem is not knowing information, it is knowing the significance of it.  This is not a new problem! We have been challenged since the beginning to appreciating the significance of the information we have.  Our sense are constantly bombarding our mind with information and our brain has to sift through all that input and triage it according to importance.  The “sifting” process, however, is not always reliable as it is something we train. It is  largely built on prior …

Good Friday Service

Come join us for a time of focused worship and remembrance. The service will center around the passion and substitutionary work of our Lord and Savior on the cross. Scripture reading, music, preaching, and the observance of communion will help us remember what Christ did for us and why.  We want to highlight both the need for and the extravagance of this gift He has extended to us and conclude by looking at the future benefits of it.  We trust this time worshipping God together will give you an increased appreciation and sense of awe for our Savior and passion …

What are you Seeking?

30 A.D. was a tough time to be a Jew in Jerusalem.  Oppression by Rome, corrupt rulers, oppressive taxes.  There was a deep longing for a deliverer, someone who would fix things and who would be a worthy ruler to follow; but what does that mean?  Do all agree one what it means to “fix things”? Does everyone agree on what a worthy ruler is?  We certainly don’t today! Things were no different in 30 A.D.  Everyone had a different idea of how things should be and who a worthy leader was.  This message looks at the Triumphal entry of …

Special Speaker

Enjoy a message on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 brought to you by Mike Show. Mike is a ‘92 grad from Clarks Summit University. He worked for CSU from Aug of 93 to Feb of 2015 fulfilling many roles ( Admissions, Maintenance, Dorm Parent and Athletics- Asst AD , AD and Mens Basketball Coach).  He was then a principal for 4 years at Mekeel Christian Academy in Scotia , NY. He and his family moved back to Work at CSU in July of 2019. He currently works in Admissions and gets the opportunity to represent CSU to high schools, churches and camps …