Delighting in God’s Design

It is a common misconception that the Bible is just a book of rules; of prohibitions and mandates.  This comes from (and leads to) a very wrong view of God as some kind of stern, authoritarian, (and maybe grumpy) king in the sky that sees us a mere pawns on one of His planets.  Nothing could be further from the truth. First, the Bible is actually one connected true-life story, a collection of 66 books written over 1400 years that contain a variety of literature, from history narratives to poetry and even letters.  Far from being a book of rules, …

Jesus Our Gracious High Priest – Dr. Tim Bertolet

This week we are pleased to have with us Dr. Tim Bertolet with us from ABWE.  He will be sharing with us from Hebrews 4, encouraging us regarding our gracious high priest, Jesus Christ. Tim Bertolet serves at the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE) developing strategies for equipping missionaries,  creating missionary training, and coordination of our worldwide theological educators. He served as a pastor for 16 years before going to ABWE. He is passionate about international theological education, pastoral training, and writing material that will help people grow in their faith. Tim also serves as an adjunct professor …

Delighting in God’s Design

So much of the turmoil that we experience in life has a single root problem.   The hymnwriter Joseph Scriven wrote in famous hymn “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” these words: “O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!”  He is correct, but that still isn’t the root problem.  The root problem to so many of our issues is that we have a too-small view of God.  Many factors contribute to this; it may be ignorance, it may be disillusionment, it could be a …

Last Call

We have reached the end of the book. God’s Revelation to His church, His final recorded words to them, is complete.  These last words are critical to pay attention to.  They are an epilogue of all that has been shared and they remind the reader of the importance of the letter.  They include this two-part, urgent message: Christ is coming soon, be ready.   Are you ready?  Do you know what that means in light of the message of Revelation?  Do you believe in the veracity of this writing, and if so, what are you doing about?  It is those questions …