New Life in Christ

Today is a special day as we will have 7 people declaring their walk with Christ through Believer’s Baptism.  Baptism is a celebration of a person’s trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior, a picture of their new life in the Gospel, and a declaration that they are following Jesus.  Join us for this wonderful celebration!  

Ballet Recital

Daughters of the King Ballet presents their 2024 Spring Recital!    Just click on the link below.

Special Guests

Today we are privileged to have Brian and Eva Seymour with us.  Brian and Eva are missionaries with Campus Bible Fellowship.  We have been blessed to partner with their parents for 30+ years and are excited now to have their son and family present their ministry.

The Spiritual Discipline of Giving

What is your attitude on regular giving to a church?  Is it a habit that you have?  Do you think it is important?  Do you prioritize it or reject it? It may be thought that giving is purely a practical matter, that people give to a church to help it function, to help it exist. While there is that aspect, this message will show that giving of tithes and offerings is much, much more than a practical matter.  Giving is an important spiritual discipline.  Not only is it something God tells us to do, it is also something that shapes …

Embracing Servanthood

What is the greatest position a person could hold? Is it President of the United States? Is is being a celebrated actor? Maybe you have in mind a position on your favorite pro ball team.When you look at Scripture, however, you see the people most celebrated are God’s faithful servants. Men like Moses and John the Baptist. Peter, James, and Paul. They are most celebrated for two things: faithfulness and humble servitude to Christ.In this message we will return to the book of Philippians and take a look at embracing servanthood by studying two men celebrated by the Apostle Paul: …