Monthly Archives: August 2024

Is Your Life Marked by Love?

What is the one universal characteristic of a true Christian?  Is it belief?  We read in James that "the demons believe and tremble", yet they part of Satan's ongoing rebellion against God, His people, and His plan.  Is it what church they go to or what specific good works they do?  No, those aren't the…
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Final Words

As is often the case, the final words of Paul at the end of his letter to the Philippians are concise and profound.  I want to unpack the significance of these few verses for you and  capture the spirit of Paul's intent.  I want to leave you with a message of hope and purpose. Join…
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The Benefits of Sharing God’s Provision

Do you know the benefits of freely sharing what God has supplied to you?  It seems counter-intuitive that giving makes us happier than keeping, but John Macarthur once said "“If you live for yourself, you will never be content.”  One of the many benefits of sharing God's provision is how it helps us be content. …
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The Word of God

Today we welcome a guest speaker, Tyler Henry.  Tyler will be speaking to us from Psalm 19 and will also share with us regarding a campus ministry he is a part of, Ratio Christi.  The two topics go hand in hand, and we are looking forward to God using him to challenge and bless us…
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