The Inner Life of a Disciple

The last time we met we talked about four words that define what a follower of Jesus should be doing.  You can watch that message here.  There have been a lot of messages preached on those four words and on the outward actions of a disciple in general, and those truths are important, but something is often missing.  All too often someone gets excited about being a faithful disciple for Jesus.  They go to church, get involved, and work hard at spreading the Gospel.  Soon, however, they begin to tire, they begin to get discouraged because of the lack of results.  People they share the Gospel with reject them.  Other believers discourage them by their apathy, their sin, or their absence.  Soon they give up and wonder what went wrong.

Others experience the same discouragement, but their commitment keeps them serving, yet all joy has left and is being replaced with bitterness.  For others, they want to gather, grow, give and go, but they just can’t seem to find the time.  There are so many obligations and activities filling their calendar they just don’t know how anyone can be the disciple that is doing all those good things talked about by pastors and Christian authors.

The answer to all this begins with being, not doing. God not only wants us to be joyful, faithful, and fruitful disciples, He has told us how. I hope you will join along to learn about the inner life of a fruitful disciple.

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