Covenanting Together as God’s Family

Every time you register a new membership or subscription, or even install a new app on your phone, you are required to check a box that says you read and agree to the terms and conditions.

Do you actually read those terms carefully? Are you being truthful when you check that box? I suspect most people just skim through and check the box without really reading the details. The assumption is that if so many people are using it, there can’t be anything harmful, so why waste time reading? Plus, you have good intentions and don’t plan on doing anything illegal or destructive with the app or subscription, so you just check the box and move on.

Sadly, that is often how people view the organizational documents of the church, namely the Church Constitution and Covenant.  They often see them as some mere legal formality, they haven’t seen anything in the service they disagree with, and they like the church enough to come regularly, so they fill out a membership application, share their testimony, and join the church.  But church membership is a serious commitment, and the formational documents contain essential information for someone who wants to take God’s institution of the church seriously.

Recently, our church adopted a new Church Covenant. This update is designed to be more accessible and emphasizes the biblical role and function of the local church and its members. It represents our commitment to follow Jesus as the community He created. Today’s message will explore the new covenant and its biblical foundations, highlighting its importance as it reflects God’s will for His children. I hope you will join us and follow along.


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