Recent Posts by Todd Baker

Why the Old Has to Go

It says in 1 Corinthians 4:17 that "if any man be in Christ he is a new creation, old things have passes away, behold all things have become new".  We don't, however, always want to let go of the old, we want to hang on to it.  We are used to it, we are comfortable…
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Defining a Pastor’s Work

In Ephesians 4 we read: "And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ (NKJV)" Before Easter we studied about the importance of the whole church working together…
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A note from the Pastor

I realize that things are only getting harder for many people.  I just want to say that our desire is to help.  Do you need to talk? Is there something I can pray with you about? Do you have an urgent need and don't know where to turn?  Whether you are a member of this…
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Good Friday Service

Enjoy a time of music, Scripture, and reflection as we remember the incredible sacrifice God made for us on the cross.  Our focus will be on the Scriptural account and the significance of the events of that terrible day that produced the most wonderful gift. [embed][/embed]
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Hear the true story of Wamdi

Hear the true story of Wamdi, a brave young girl from Nigeria, who was faced with a world of mystery and fear.  PART 1 The second part of the true story, “The Girl Who Sang in the Goathouse”, about Wamdi, a brave young girl from Nigeria. Now you can find out if Wamdi went in…
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Equipped for the Task

God has called us to a certain way of life and a purpose for life, but do we make excuses for not living that out?  Isn't it easy to look at what God has called us to do and say "I can't"?  What we need to realize is that is a lie.  It is only…
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Living Your Call We are looking at Ephesians 4:1-6 and talking about living out the calling of God on our lives in light of the world situation. God has adopted us into his family and set us apart. He has made promises to us and He has also expressed expectations of how we should live in light…
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But God!

We were a mess; we had nothing good enough for God. The prophet Isaiah said it well: "But we are all like an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are like fithy rags" (Isaiah 64:6 NKJV) When held in comparison to God's holiness, our best deeds are like scribbles compared to a Rembrandt and they…
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Beyond Healing

We all like to think we are pretty good.  Sometimes we might think that we became Christians in part because of the good that is in us.  Maybe you think that the way to heaven is by having more good works banked up in your past that bad ones.  Ephesians chapter 2 shatters all those…
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There are many things we would like to ask God "Why" about, but have you ever thought about "Why did He save me"?  Or maybe for you the question is, "Why would He want to save me?"  The good news is He does, but even more than that, He tells us why in Ephesians 1…
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