Recent Posts by Todd Baker

Final Words

As is often the case, the final words of Paul at the end of his letter to the Philippians are concise and profound.  I want to unpack the significance of these few verses for you and  capture the spirit of Paul's intent.  I want to leave you with a message of hope and purpose. Join…
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The Benefits of Sharing God’s Provision

Do you know the benefits of freely sharing what God has supplied to you?  It seems counter-intuitive that giving makes us happier than keeping, but John Macarthur once said "“If you live for yourself, you will never be content.”  One of the many benefits of sharing God's provision is how it helps us be content. …
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The Word of God

Today we welcome a guest speaker, Tyler Henry.  Tyler will be speaking to us from Psalm 19 and will also share with us regarding a campus ministry he is a part of, Ratio Christi.  The two topics go hand in hand, and we are looking forward to God using him to challenge and bless us…
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The Pathway to Contentment

Are you content? If you are, what are the factors contributing to that? If you are not content, what is it that is interfering with your contentment?   What would you like changed in your life to make you content? In Philippians chapter 4, the Apostle Paul gives some insight into his life, his struggles, and the…
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50 Years of Ministry

Today we have our missionaries, Paul and Sandy Jewell with us.  The Jewells just recently retired, having served with Campus Bible Fellowship in Syracuse, NY for 50 years.  They will be sharing with us in Sunday School and Church today.  We are looking forward to hearing highlights of the many ways God used them during…
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Controlling the Voices in Your Head

Isn't it great when your mind is at peace?  When what you are thinking about, when what you are contemplating, is good and beautiful? How often is it like that for you?  What is the state of your mind right now?  In Philippians 4 God gives us some clear instructions for having a mind that…
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Exercising Your Trust in God

Anxiety is a big problem.  Estimates show that 4% of the world's population struggles with it, according to the 2023 U.S. Census Bureau's Household Pulse Survey* over 19% of Americans report an anxiety disorder.  Studies indicate that Christians are not at all immune to this.  A complicating factor is that several times in the Scriptures,…
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The Importance of Remembering

While summer officially began two weeks ago, in most American's minds it began on May 27th with the celebration of Memorial Day. While that day seems to be all about picnics, camping, and time together with friends and family, the original purpose was to remember those who have died, specifically, those who died in the…
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Special Guests

Today we are privileged to have Asa and Suzanna Bartos and family with us. God has called Asa and Suz to encourage the Latin American church to full maturity and equip them with training and resources that are inaccessible or lacking. They long to see Latin Americans multiply leaders, churches, and missions movements among every…
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Aiming at the Right Target

Being a dad is hard!  Not only is the day to day challenging, but there is always that underlying question, "Am I doing it right?  We worry if we are missing something, if there is a secret rule somewhere we are forgetting to follow. We also fall into the comparison trap, looking at other families…
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