Pastor Scott Blackmon

We are pleased to welcome Pastor Scott Blackmon as our guest speaker!  Dr. Blackmon is the administrator at Meadowbrook Christian School in Milton, PA. Pastor Blackmon has an extensive ministry background, much of that serving in Christian education.  He also does graphic design and you might even find him behind the wheel of a truck keeping his CDL fresh.  I have been impressed with his heart for God, his desire to see students reach their full potential, and his willingness to rise to challenges.   I think you will be blessed by his ministry today so I hope you will join …

Covenanting Together as God’s Family

Every time you register a new membership or subscription, or even install a new app on your phone, you are required to check a box that says you read and agree to the terms and conditions. Do you actually read those terms carefully? Are you being truthful when you check that box? I suspect most people just . . .

Finding Our Joy in Christ

What do you see as the source of ultimate joy?  What is the one goal that you are seeking after that you believe, once it is achieved, you will be truly satisfied? So often we find, that once we have achieved such a goal, that the happiness is short-lived.  Very soon, we see that there is another horizon we want to reach, another mountain peak that looks like the ultimate accomplishment.  Could it be that all the things we have been seeking to give us happiness and fulfillment are just mirages?  Have you ever considered that Jesus is the ultimate …

The Inner Life of a Disciple

The last time we met we talked about four words that define what a follower of Jesus should be doing.  You can watch that message here.  There have been a lot of messages preached on those four words and on the outward actions of a disciple in general, and those truths are important, but something is often missing.  All too often someone gets excited about being a faithful disciple for Jesus.  They go to church, get involved, and work hard at spreading the Gospel.  Soon, however, they begin to tire, they begin to get discouraged because of the lack of …

A Discipleship Evaluation

While we seem to use the word “Christian” most often to describe a follower of Jesus, it is actually one of the least used terms in the New Testament.  Much more often we are described as followers or more commonly “disciples” of Jesus.  All of these terms are significant and should be used thoughtfully, for they define our identity.  Unfortunately, we regularly use them with considering either their meaning or the impact they should have on our self-identity. Today I want to offer four words to help shape our underständing of the word “Disciple” and how it should affect the …

The Joy of Knowing Christ as Your King

I just can’t get away from the theme of “Jesus is King.”  We began looking at this in the last message, the fact that Jesus came in fulfillment of many prophecies naming Him ruler and King, not just of Israel, but of the world.  In fact, this is why Herod ordered the massacre of all the babies that first Christmas, because the wise men came to worship the newborn “King of the Jews”, and indeed, that is what Pilot also called Him when He crucified Him. In talking about His Kingship, we also talked about His goodness, His love and …

Worshiping Christ as King

This is the season we celebrate the birth of our Savior.  We celebrate baby Jesus in the manger, and we talk about all that He has done for us by becoming one of us.  It is easy to overlook one very important aspect of Jesus in the midst of His condescension – the fact that He is and will be the King!  As we worship Him together as our loving, humble Savior, let’s remember what He stepped away from to come to earth and what it will look like when He comes again to take His rightful place ruling and …

Christology – the Doctrine of Christ

Where is your trust?  That is the question I hope you will consider very seriously as we take our first look at the doctrine of Jesus Christ, known as Christology.  Rather than take a purely systematic approach to this doctrine by drawing from a multitude of passages, I want to spend our time looking at Isaiah 7-9.  I thought it would be fitting, since we are entering the Christmas season, to look at this Old Testament prophecy as our basis for developing some of the major teachings on the Messiah, Jesus Christ.  I hope this study blesses you and causes …

Why We Need Thanksgiving

Have you ever bought something you already had, because you forgot you have it?  I am thinking right now of a tool for my chainsaw I have hanging on the wall in my garage unopened.  Why?  Because after I got home with it and finally got around to using it, I discovered I already had replaced that item!  There was no need to buy a new one, yet I had and it was well past the return window. Now I may be worse than some, but the fact is, we humans are forgetful and we need to be reminded of …

Shoebox Sunday!

Today is one of our favorite Sundays of the year.  For the past several weeks (and much longer for some) we have been packing Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes to send the love of Jesus to children around the world.  All the hard work and sacrificial spending of the church culminates on this day when we remember what we are doing and why, then spend time praying over the shoeboxes we packed.  We pray that God will put just the right shoebox into just the right child’s hands.  If you can’t be here in person for this special day, we hope …