Category Archives: From the Pastor’s Desk

Caring for the Children of the World

Does God care about children?  I hope you don't have to ask that.  All over the Bible we see God emphasizing the importance of children and the blessing that they are.  In the Gospels we see Christ highly valuing kids and rebuking His disciples for trying to keep them away from Him.  The big question…
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The Beginning of Judgment

In the previous message on Revelation, we looked at the struggle of reconciling God's love with the picture of His judgment painted in Revelation 6-22. That message discussed why bringing peace will require a massive final judgment.  In this next message on Revelation 6, we see the Lamb begin to open the scroll and judgment…
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Final Justice

What will it take to make everything right on the earth?  What will absolute justice look like, where people get what they deserve and evil is erased?  Will that ever happen?  The book of Revelation has the answers, but before looking at the details, we have to discuss the rational behind it all. In the…
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Happy Mother’s Day!

You won't want to miss this special Mother's Day service as 4 members of First Baptist share tributes of their mom's impact on their lives. They will be sharing about their mom's influence on their walk with God and how she helped form them to be the people they are today. I hope you will…
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Who is Worthy?

We ask this question often.  Right now there are people thinking "Who is worthy to go out with?" or "Who is worthy to marry?" Businesses are asking "Who is worthy to hire?" or "Who is worthy of this contract?".  Each November election the nation is answering the question "who is worthy to lead us?".  In…
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What do you know that you don’t really know?

In this information saturated world that we live in, facts and statistics are everywhere and can be accessed in milliseconds.  The problem is not knowing information, it is knowing the significance of it.  This is not a new problem! We have been challenged since the beginning to appreciating the significance of the information we have. …
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Good Friday Service

Come join us for a time of focused worship and remembrance. The service will center around the passion and substitutionary work of our Lord and Savior on the cross. Scripture reading, music, preaching, and the observance of communion will help us remember what Christ did for us and why.  We want to highlight both the…
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What are you Seeking?

30 A.D. was a tough time to be a Jew in Jerusalem.  Oppression by Rome, corrupt rulers, oppressive taxes.  There was a deep longing for a deliverer, someone who would fix things and who would be a worthy ruler to follow; but what does that mean?  Do all agree one what it means to "fix…
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An Encouragement to Faithfulness

I remember about 10 years ago I was helping to load a full length flatbed trailer with haybales.  I was on the ground with two of my boys while the farmer was on the truck.  I hadn't worked that hard physically in quite a while and by the time we were on the top layer,…
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Walking on Thin Ice

Not every message is encouraging or inspirational.  Sometimes bad news needs to be delivered, hard things need to be said.  So it is with the letter to the Church in Thyatira.  They may have thought because of all their good works and their busyness for God that everything was good, but it was not.  In…
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