Category Archives: From the Pastor’s Desk

Serving God Where You Are, the Way You Are

Heroes often get celebrated, but the ordinary, can be forgotten.  The truth is though, that the world doesn't run on heroes. The world runs on ordinary people doing good. It runs on people doing the right thing, over and over every day, unnoticed.  While heroes are needed to stop super villains, what has helped us…
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Responding Well to Correction

Can you remember the last time someone corrected you?  How did you feel about that?  Were you glad or sad or angry?  Correction is something we all need at times, some more than others, but we are often resistant.  To accept correction means we are admitting we were wrong.  Admitting we were wrong means admitting…
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Help for Understanding God’s Ways

When things go bad in the world, we often start to wonder what God is doing. Why is He allowing so many problems, so much trouble? We are tempted to think, to worry, that maybe God has faded from the scene or stopped caring. Because He knows our humanness and our tendencies, God has taken…
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Acknowledging the Conflict With Hope

It is easy to forget that God calls us to be salt and light in this world.  Christ followers can become jaded to the sin and depravity of  the culture and miss how far status quo is from the lifestyle  God calls us to.  Many have done this and find themselves a long way from…
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What’s in My Future?

Have you ever wondered what the future held?  Being able to answer that has been the plotline of many stories, TV shows, and movies.  Sometimes it would be very convenient to know what tomorrow holds, sometimes it would be horrible. Only one really knows the future, whether we are speaking of our personal future or…
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Learning from other’s mistakes . . . or not

George Santayana said: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it".  It might be more accurate to say, "Those who don't learn from the past are condemned to repeat it" because it is possible to know something without really benefitting from that knowledge.  I'm afraid I can testify that it happens a…
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How do you handle success?

We often hear that difficult times are what reveals a person's true character, but I think that prosperous times might be just as telling, just as likely to produce a fall.  How a person handles success and prosperity is just as telling of there character than how they handle a trial.  Maybe more so. In…
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Trusting the God Who Holds the Future

Can anyone accurately tell the future?  Even more significantly, can anyone control the distant future, especially as it concerns world events? If you met such a person, would you trust them? Daniel chapter 2 clearly states that no human can tell the future.  It also states, however, that God can.  In fact, He doesn't just…
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The Importance of One

Do you feel frustrated and helpless when watching the news, wondering what you can possible do to bring good in such a dark time?  What can one person do? Do you feel small in a world where powerful companies and superstars seem to dominate everywhere? Do you feel insignificant when you look at the talented,…
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Handling an Impossible Situation

Sometimes we can find ourselves faced with a crisis that just appears out of the blue.  Maybe it is a sudden health emergency, the unwelcome news of a job ending abruptly, a fire, a family member in trouble, or a crisis at work that you have to deal with unexpectedly.  What do you do?  What…
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