Category Archives: From the Pastor’s Desk

The Importance of One

Do you feel frustrated and helpless when watching the news, wondering what you can possible do to bring good in such a dark time?  What can one person do? Do you feel small in a world where powerful companies and superstars seem to dominate everywhere? Do you feel insignificant when you look at the talented,…
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Handling an Impossible Situation

Sometimes we can find ourselves faced with a crisis that just appears out of the blue.  Maybe it is a sudden health emergency, the unwelcome news of a job ending abruptly, a fire, a family member in trouble, or a crisis at work that you have to deal with unexpectedly.  What do you do?  What…
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The Mystery of the Star

It is possible, that when Christmas time comes and you listen or come to a church service, that you think to yourself “I already know this by heart”  You might even think to yourself that you might get bored today, because you already know this so well. I hope to show you today that there…
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God’s Design for Family – Part 2

There are many, many, broken and failed marriages in our world today.  So bad is the problem and so painful the fallout that many have taken the view that the whole idea of traditional marriage is faulty. Adding to this tragedy are the many husbands and wives who claim to be following God's plan for…
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Do you hate that word?  What does it mean in Ephesians 5 when God says that we are to be "submitting to one another in the fear of Christ."?  What does it mean in the next verse when it says, "Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord"?  What does submission to the Lord…
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Plans for an upcoming in-person worship service!

[video width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video] Here are some specifics: It is planned for May 31 and will be weather permitting.  Pray that God will bless us with a dry Saturday and Sunday.  If there is any significant risk of rain or if our field is muddy we will cancel and have our usual livestreamed service only.  Check back…
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A note from the Pastor

I realize that things are only getting harder for many people.  I just want to say that our desire is to help.  Do you need to talk? Is there something I can pray with you about? Do you have an urgent need and don't know where to turn?  Whether you are a member of this…
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