Today we have our missionaries, Paul and Sandy Jewell with us. The Jewells just recently retired, having served with Campus Bible Fellowship in Syracuse, NY for 50 years. They will be sharing with us in Sunday School and Church today. We are looking forward to hearing highlights of the many ways God used them during…
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Exercising Your Trust in God
Anxiety is a big problem. Estimates show that 4% of the world's population struggles with it, according to the 2023 U.S. Census Bureau's Household Pulse Survey* over 19% of Americans report an anxiety disorder. Studies indicate that Christians are not at all immune to this. A complicating factor is that several times in the Scriptures,…
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The Importance of Remembering
While summer officially began two weeks ago, in most American's minds it began on May 27th with the celebration of Memorial Day. While that day seems to be all about picnics, camping, and time together with friends and family, the original purpose was to remember those who have died, specifically, those who died in the…
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Special Guests
Today we are privileged to have Asa and Suzanna Bartos and family with us. God has called Asa and Suz to encourage the Latin American church to full maturity and equip them with training and resources that are inaccessible or lacking. They long to see Latin Americans multiply leaders, churches, and missions movements among every…
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Aiming at the Right Target
Being a dad is hard! Not only is the day to day challenging, but there is always that underlying question, "Am I doing it right? We worry if we are missing something, if there is a secret rule somewhere we are forgetting to follow. We also fall into the comparison trap, looking at other families…
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Be of One Mind
The Gospel calls us to a different way of life as followers of Jesus. Pride and division are to have no place, yet they often sneak in the back door, disguised as good things. We always have to be on guard. Pride comes in many forms: maybe in the form of goals, maybe in the…
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Follow This Pattern
If we are honest, we have to admit that we are often following examples. Whether consciously or unconsciously, we are imitating people frequently. We begin life by imitation whoever raises us. At school, we tend to imitate classmates we look up to. In athletics or the arts, we are following the pattern our coach, music…
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What is Your Ultimate Goal?
So you are reading this post -why? Are you thinking of watching the service? Why? What motivates you to come to church or watch it here? Are you looking for answers to questions? Are you looking for Bible teaching? Do you feel an obligation to be part of church on Sunday, one way or another? …
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The Joy in Trusting in Christ Alone
Are you joyful? What makes you that way? If you struggle with being joyful, have you identified why? Are you looking for circumstances to give you joy? Are you striving for goals that you think will bring you joy when accomplished? If you are joyful, do you know why? Will it last? Today we are…
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Happy Mother’s Day!
God's blessings to all the hard-working, self-sacrificing moms out there; you are a cornerstone of our society! I have had the blessing of not only having a godly mother who instilled so many important values into me, I have also been blessed with an amazing wife who has done the same for our children, continuing…
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