Do You Know?

Do you know what book of the Bible you would find the 10 Commandments in?  Do you know why there is a book called Numbers or what Leviticus is about?  Do you know where God first talks about marriage?  Do you know who God used to pen the first 5 books of the Bible and what connects them together as a unit?

This Sunday in the Adult Sunday School class, we are going to be looking at answers to those questions.  We are beginning a workbook called “Let Me Introduce You to the Bible” written by my friend, Pastor Rob McKenzie Jr.  I want to invite you to come join us.  It is a great opportunity to be introduced to the Bible for the first time or to be reminded of the treasures that are held in the 66 books and see the unity that ties them all together.  Class begins at 9:30 AM in the church Fellowship Hall and coffee and tea will be available. I hope you will come!

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