Plans for an upcoming in-person worship service!

Here are some specifics:

It is planned for May 31 and will be weather permitting.  Pray that God will bless us with a dry Saturday and Sunday.  If there is any significant risk of rain or if our field is muddy we will cancel and have our usual livestreamed service only.  Check back at our homepage or our Facebook page Sunday morning to confirm if we are still on.

The service is Bring-Your-Own-Chair.  We will have rows marked off  in 6 foot intervals for you to set your own chairs up in the west half of the parking lot.   If  you have some extenuating circumstances that result in you preferring to stay in your car, we will have a limited number of parking spots for you in the parking lot.

Invite a friend!  This is an event the community is invited to.

There will not be Sunday School this day, but the service will begin at 10:45 as normal.

Masks are not required, but you may wish to wear one at your discretion.

Please be wise and considerate.  If you or any of your household have any signs of illness please be wise, considerate, and Christ-like and stay home.  Also, please use your discretion regarding your own safety if you are at risk.  Remember, we will still be livestreaming the service.

This is not against the law – Pennsylvania has honored the Constitutional right we have as churches and never passed any laws restricting our meetings during this crisis.




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