Allowing God to Enlarge Your Heart

I know it is not Christmas yet, and I am just as annoyed at the Christmas decorations for sale in the store as you are, but I was just thinking of an old TV Christmas special - "The Grinch That Stole Christmas"  I was thinking of that pivotal (literally) moment near the end when the sled is just about to fall and the Grinch decides to save it.  Do you remember what happened?  "His heart grew 3 sizes that day"!

Well that is a perfect illustration of what I am going to be talking about in this message, "Allowing God to Enlarge Your Heart"  Do you want Him to do that?  Do you desire to have the capacity to love and care for people the way God does?  Do you desire to fulfill His law?

Having God enlarge your heart is like so many things in the Bible; it is a human-divine partnership.  Much of it is supernatural, yet we have actions that we must take as well.  Will you join me as we look at what it takes to have God enlarge your heart?

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