Delighting in God’s Design – for You!

Do you believe that everything just happens by chance?  That any meaning in life is only what we can get from the face value of all that happens?  God wants us to be rescued from the despair of the mindset.  He wants us to that, while we live in a fallen world with much evil, He is working behind the scenes to execute His redemption plan.  He also wants you to know that He knows you!  You have meaning to Him and He loves you.  He wants you to be part of His family and He wants to do great things through you.

This message shows from Scripture that we are all “fearfully and wonderfully made” and that God wants to bring good from all that happens in our life.  He will, if we are one of His.  I hope you will listen and be encouraged by today’s message – Delighting in God’s Design for You!

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