What brings you lasting satisfaction? Satisfaction that you are accomplishing something meaningful with your life, satisfaction that says, “This thing that I am investing in is good, it is much bigger than me, and will outlast me.”
Can you come up with anything? I hope so. Let me ask you this, how much does that thing drive you? Is it something you spend a little time with or a lot? And by how long will it outlast you?
Do you know, God did not intend for us to live futile lives? He desires for us to know that our life matters. Last Sunday we read in Ephesians 2 “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.” That is what causes true satisfaction – doing what God prepared ahead of time for us to do. This message will explore that truth a little further and talk about how we can have a life that matters, not just for a time, but for all eternity. A life that is driven by a goal that changes how we look at everything. A life truly lived for a bigger purpose.