What will it take to make everything right on the earth? What will absolute justice look like, where people get what they deserve and evil is erased? Will that ever happen? The book of Revelation has the answers, but before looking at the details, we have to discuss the rational behind it all.
In the study on Revelation 4, we saw how the holy God of the universe is deserving of all glory. We saw that He alone possesses the right and authority to judge the earth and to do so justly. In Revelation 5 we saw that Jesus, the Lamb who gave His life for us, is worthy to execute this judgment on behalf of God the Father. He offered redemption to the world and now will bring judgment. In chapter 6, we will see this judgment begin, but some might be asking the question, “Why?”. Why will bringing justice be so devastating? Why will it be so harsh? This message will strive to answer that question clearly by connecting both Old and New Testament Scriptures with the prophecies of Revelation. I trust this message will not only heighten your understand of the rational and purpose of God’s judgment, I hope it will also increase your love and awe for Christ and the Gospel.