Foundations of Our Faith – Bibliology

How confident are you that what we call the Bible is really God’s Word? Is it all God’s Word, or just part of it?  Are the ideas God’s, or the very words?  Maybe you noticed that a particular publishing company printed the version you are using; has it been changed from the original?  And how did it get written in the first place?

These are some of the questions we will cover in this message.  The Bible is absolutely foundational to our faith, so it is important that we understand what it is, what it says about itself, and know why we can trust it.  This message will be a survey of the doctrine of bibliology – the study of God’s Word.  As a one-week survey, it will only crack the lid on a very rich and extensive topic.  To go a little further, I invite you to join us in person for our adult Sunday School class next week where we will answer individual questions and dig a little further into this topic.

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