Good Soil published a book called “The Story of Hope” and in it we read this: “[The Bible] contains more than 500 stories involving nearly 3,000 charters. Yet beautifully interwoven from cover to cover through all the Bible’s various stories is one Big Story . . .The Story of Hope – the story that unveils God’s unique provision in His plan to bring eternal hope to people of all times and places.”
In this message, continuing the Foundations of Faith series, I want to give an overview of the Doctrine of Salvation, the message of the Gospel, God’s redemption story that is woven from cover to cover of the Bible. This message will simply give you a framework to understand the Gospel and a few key words related to it so that you can go and see for yourself the riches of God’s grace on display throughout His Word. And if you are one of God’s children, it is on display in you as well!
Video at beginning of message is by Dai Woolridge and can be found here.