In the front of our church’s constitution booklet, you will find a page entitled “Church Covenant”. If you do happen to take the time to start reading it, you might be tempted to quit after the first paragraph. It is written in an early 20th century style and starts out a little bit like a legal statement. I can understand if you skip over it thinking it is irrelevant.
That conclusion, however, is far from the truth. The Church Covenant is actually a very important part of our Church Constitution and an important part of who we are as a church. Sadly, it is also often neglected and overlooked. Today I want to remedy that.
Join us as we look at the principles that make up our church covenant. While the document itself is ready for a bit of a redo, the main intent and the principles contained in it are essential and important to know. I believe this review, along with supporting Scripture, will help paint the big picture of what it means to be a church member. Don’t miss this important message!