
First Resurrection or Second Death?

Revelation 20 is one of the hardest passages in all of Scripture. Not because it is difficult to understand, but because it is very clear regarding an final judgment that will condemn all those who have not chosen to follow Jesus.  In stark language, free from unnecessary modifiers and detail, the damnation of all unbelievers based on their works is clearly presented. I encourage you to listen to what might be the most important message you will hear, because what happens at the end of Revelation 20 doesn’t have to happen to you. God is showing a different way.  I …

The Reign of Christ Part 2

Have you ever imagined what it would be like if all the rulers were just?  If all crime was judged instantly and equitably?  If there was no war, and the land was prosperous?  Today we are going to look at the nature of the Millennial Kingdom foretold in Revelation 20 and we find out it is all those things.  We will be looking at some of the many descriptions of it that is scattered throughout the Scriptures.  I hope you will join us for this very interesting and important study of what God has in store for His saints and …

The Reign of Christ

We have now reached chapter 20 in our study on the book of Revelation.  It is the place where many themes of Scripture converge.  While the main theme is the establishment of the reign of Christ on earth, topics like the resurrections, where will I go when I die, and the judgment of the dead will all be covered in the next couple of messages.  We will also see how Christ fulfills the many promises He has made to Israel in this series of messages.  I hope you will join us for these very significant studies.  It is my desire …

The Arrival of the World’s Greatest Hero part 2

The last message began a study of Revelation 19.  This will continue that same theme – the arrival of the hero the world has needed.  For some this is great news, for others, the worst. Those on earth in the last days that have been resisting the powers of evil in the world will see this as the deliverance they have longed for.  For followers of Christ already in heaven, it will be both the rescue mission and the establishment of righteousness they have been promised.  For those who continue to resist Christ and His Salvation, it will be annihilation. …

The Ultimate Hero Arrives

Jon and Korey Cooper wrote in the Skillet song “Hero”: I need a hero to save me now, I need a hero! (Save me now), I need a hero to save my life, A hero will save me (Just in time).   Maybe you can relate to that?  I think it is true every time I read the latest news feed.  Our world needs a hero, whether it is on the personal level or the grand scale of the universe.  That need will reach its climax in the final days that God has described for us in the biblical book of …

Special Speaker – Dennis Kantz – Gideons Int.

The Bible says in Hebrews 4:12 “For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart”.  Also, in Isaiah 55:11 God says; “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth, it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Our speaker for this service is from Gideon’s International and …

The Joy of True Justice

We all long for true justice.  Proverbs 29:2 tells us “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.”  A big problem that we have in our world is a disagreement of what true justice is.  It is tough to bring good change to a world when there is no consensus on what that change should be.  It shouldn’t be that hard, because our God has given us an absolute standard of right and wrong, of what is just and unjust, in His Word, the Bible.  The problem is that His …

The Final Financial Collapse

There are two things that people all over the world tend to put their trust in: religion and wealth.  The last two messages from the book of Revelation addressed why people follow religion and the source of the many different religions they follow.  We saw what the ultimate end of those religions are in Revelation 17.  Now, in chapter 18, we see the fall of the second object of people’s trust and passion: wealth. Wealth in itself is not evil, but wealth as a passion, as a goal, is.  In fact, God calls greed equal to idolatry and here in …

The Beginning and End of False Religion – Part 2

This message continues our study of Revelation 17 and the final end of all false religions.  As we said last time, false religion is like fake medicine.  It is taken by someone who is dying hoping to be made well.  Worse than just being sick, the person taking fake medicine believes they are getting better.  They think they are okay and therefore are not seeking help. Satan uses false religion to accomplish his goal of redirecting all worship away from the true God and manipulate mankind to follow him instead.  Satan’s superpower has always been deception and death and during …

The Beginning and End of False Religion – Revelation 17

False religion is like fake medicine.  It is taken by someone who is dying hoping to be made well.  Worse than just being sick, the person taking fake medicine believes they are getting better.  They think they are okay and therefore are not seeking help. Dr. John MacArthur Jr. writes “All the false religions of the world are attempts to run from the true God. They’re all satanic counterfeits sending men in the opposite direction from God. Isaiah 53, verse 6 sums it up: “All we like sheep have gone astray, turned everyone to his own way.” We’re like sheep …