
You are Invited!

Come Join Us for Family Fun Night being held outdoors on the church grounds this Saturday night, August 8th. We are inviting you all to come out as we enjoy the space and fresh air our outdoor venue provides as we visit, see some old friends, sing some fun songs together from past Vacation Bible Schools, and then watch an animated family movie together. We know there is a lot of disappointment over events that have been cancelled or drastically changed and we wanted to provide the kids with a fun night out.  We hope you can come! We will …

Becoming the Husband God Intended

For the last several weeks we have been looking at Ephesians 5 and talking about God’s Design for the family.  Lately the emphasis has been on the wife and God’s instructions for her.  Today, we look at God’s expectations for the husband.  What does it mean to be a good husband? What does it mean to love like Christ loved the church or love her like we love ourselves? Please join us as we take the time to answer these questions in very practical ways that will be relevant not just to men but to all who want to be …

God’s Design for Family – Part 2

There are many, many, broken and failed marriages in our world today.  So bad is the problem and so painful the fallout that many have taken the view that the whole idea of traditional marriage is faulty. Adding to this tragedy are the many husbands and wives who claim to be following God’s plan for marriage but who either have a very twisted view of what that means or who hypocritically say one thing while living quite another in private.  This has led to further the criticism and rejection of God’s plan.  Please join us this week as we continue …

God’s Design for Family

In Paul’s day, the institutions of marriage and family were in shambles.  Faithfulness to a spouse was becoming a novelty.  It didn’t seem to matter if you were a Jew, Greek, or Roman, you had ways to jettison any  marital commitment you may have made.  Even the idea of what a family consisted of was up for private interpretation. Today is quite similar.  The ever growing mindset in our society is that the idea of a heterosexual,  monogamous union for life is becoming marginalized as an old fashioned, ignorant idea.  We not only make it easy to break any bonds …


Do you hate that word?  What does it mean in Ephesians 5 when God says that we are to be “submitting to one another in the fear of Christ.”?  What does it mean in the next verse when it says, “Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord”?  What does submission to the Lord look like?  Come out or log in this Sunday as we explore the idea of submission and what it does and doesn’t mean in the life of the Christian.

The Uncertainties of Life

Life is filled with many anxious moments….especially in 2020. However, it is incredibly reassuring to know God watches over the affairs of our lives. Psalm 121–a song sung by the Israelites when they traveled to Jerusalem–reminds us that God watches over us during times of uncertainty.  Come on out or log on Sunday morning to hear Paul Golden expound this great Psalm for us.  The livestream will be available here Sunday morning at 10:45 or if you have questions about joining us in person at that time, please see below! God Bless! We will have one condensed service at 10:45 …

Redeeming the Time

It is easy to look at some Scripture passages such as Ephesians 5 and come up with a long list of things we shouldn’t do, and it is important to be careful to avoid sinful actions.  The Christian life, however, is not just a list of things we shouldn’t do, it is a life that is to be lived with a purpose and we should be just as focused, if not more so, on what we should be doing as what we should not.  Paul raises this issue in verses 15-21 of Ephesians 5.  Join us Sunday as we take …

The Problems With Being a Dad – LIVE!

This is the week!  We are holding a Sunday service in our building for the first time in 3 months.  The sermon for this week, since it is Father’s Day, is “The Problems With Being a Dad.   Please note, however, that the message will have truth and application relevant for everyone! We hope you will join in, either in person or on our livestream, which we will continue to offer.  If you are coming in person, here is what you can expect and what we ask you to do: We will have one condensed service at 10:45 that we encourage …

Walking in the Light

Do you like to see where you are going?  Have you ever had someone come to your rescue with a flashlight when you were lost in the dark? We as Christians are children of the Kingdom of Light and as a result are called to walk in the Light and thereby be light here in this dark world.  Come join us here Online at 10:45 June 14 as we unpack what this means from Ephesians 5.

Another Outdoor Service!

We had another wonderful outdoor service today!  God gave us such beautiful weather and many people worked together to make it a wonderful experience with a great music and worship time together. We also looked at the important but difficult issue of racial bias and the need to confront this issue in our own lives and seek to be instruments of change in our world.  I encourage you to listen to todays timely message as we seek to have a biblical understanding of this issue and corresponding behavior.