
Together at Last!

This Sunday we are having our first in person service in 12 weeks!  We are going to use the outdoors as our venue for this first time back together.  Join us for this full worship service with congregational singing, special music, and a message from the book of Matthew that will give us some important reminders as we emerge from this pandemic.  We ask that you bring your own chair to join us. We will also have a limited number of parking spaces for those who’s health needs require the shelter of their car.  Come join us! We do ask …

Who Do You Want to Be Like?

From the very day we are born, we begin looking to others for cues on how to live.  God has given children the incredible desire to both mimic their parents and seek a response from their actions.  Even into adulthood, the truth is we are still doing this: looking to those around us for cues how to behave in a certain situation and hoping to get signals that we are OK.  The problem is, we might not be picking the right people and the right behavior to mimic.  God gives us some clear direction in Ephesians 5, join me as …

Plans for an upcoming in-person worship service!

Here are some specifics: It is planned for May 31 and will be weather permitting.  Pray that God will bless us with a dry Saturday and Sunday.  If there is any significant risk of rain or if our field is muddy we will cancel and have our usual livestreamed service only.  Check back at our homepage or our Facebook page Sunday morning to confirm if we are still on. The service is Bring-Your-Own-Chair.  We will have rows marked off  in 6 foot intervals for you to set your own chairs up in the west half of the parking lot.   If  you have …

Answers in the Crisis

Some people are saying that the Corona virus crisis is God’s judgment on America (or the world or . . . you pick the target).  Are they correct?  Others are asking, how can a good, loving God allow this to happen?  Does true, biblical, Christianity have any substantial answers for this or just sympathy?  We should be ministering, showing the love of Christ, and weeping together with those that weep, but is the love of Christ limited to just a helping hand and a shoulder to cry on, or can we offer something deeper at the same time?  I want …

Trusting God To Provide

This week we will look at a true story from the Old Testament of a widow and her son in a tough situation.  It illustrates Paul’s Words from Philippians 4, “I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  Come join us at 10:45 for the livestream.  It will be encouraging to Mom and everyone else.

Putting on the New

After making the command to put off the old and put on the new, Paul now gives specific instruction on just how we are to do that. Here in Ephesians 4:25-32 Paul deals with anger and our speech.  He further explains how important this is because if we speak and act according to the old life, we are causing the Holy Spirit of God, who dwells in us, to grieve.  The new man, on the other hand,  builds up others and displays the compassion and forgiveness of Christ.  Join us in looking at just how these different lifestyles can play …

Why the Old Has to Go

It says in 1 Corinthians 4:17 that “if any man be in Christ he is a new creation, old things have passes away, behold all things have become new”.  We don’t, however, always want to let go of the old, we want to hang on to it.  We are used to it, we are comfortable with it, and it has shared a lot of habits together with us.  As we look at Ephesians 4:17-24, we will start to get an understanding why it is so important to be done with the old and live in the new God has given …

Defining a Pastor’s Work

In Ephesians 4 we read: “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ (NKJV)” Before Easter we studied about the importance of the whole church working together to accomplish God’s work, giving a special emphasis to the fact that God has sufficiently equipped us to do His work.  This Sunday I want to focus on the Pastor/Teachers job – what is it?  Is just about preaching, marrying, and burying?  What has God …

A note from the Pastor

I realize that things are only getting harder for many people.  I just want to say that our desire is to help.  Do you need to talk? Is there something I can pray with you about? Do you have an urgent need and don’t know where to turn?  Whether you are a member of this church or someone that has never set foot on the property, know that you can reach out to us. God has intended for us to be here for each other.  Sometimes we are the givers, sometimes we need to be the takers.  Be helping others …

Easter Sunday Service

A time of music, Scripture, and hope as we look at the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  We join the disciples in their despair Saturday night and Sunday morning and see the transformation that was produced when Christ rose from the dead, giving them much more to live for, much more to hope in.  God wants to do the same for you!