
Special Guests

Today we are privileged to have Brian and Eva Seymour with us.  Brian and Eva are missionaries with Campus Bible Fellowship.  We have been blessed to partner with their parents for 30+ years and are excited now to have their son and family present their ministry.

The Spiritual Discipline of Giving

What is your attitude on regular giving to a church?  Is it a habit that you have?  Do you think it is important?  Do you prioritize it or reject it? It may be thought that giving is purely a practical matter, that people give to a church to help it function, to help it exist. While there is that aspect, this message will show that giving of tithes and offerings is much, much more than a practical matter.  Giving is an important spiritual discipline.  Not only is it something God tells us to do, it is also something that shapes …

Embracing Servanthood

What is the greatest position a person could hold? Is it President of the United States? Is is being a celebrated actor? Maybe you have in mind a position on your favorite pro ball team.When you look at Scripture, however, you see the people most celebrated are God’s faithful servants. Men like Moses and John the Baptist. Peter, James, and Paul. They are most celebrated for two things: faithfulness and humble servitude to Christ.In this message we will return to the book of Philippians and take a look at embracing servanthood by studying two men celebrated by the Apostle Paul: …

Finding Hope in the Resurrection

Come find the hope that this truth brings – that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and is risen from the dead!  It is not just history; it has incredible implications for your life right now.  Jesus said in John 16:33 “In this world you will have suffering” Do you know the truth of that verse?  If you yourself haven’t experienced that yet, you only need to look around you, for suffering is everywhere.  The truth of that verse, John 16:33 is pretty self-evident.  But that was only half of it; the other half says “Be courageous!  I have …

Rejoicing in the Kingship of Christ

What does it mean that Jesus is King? Two thousand years ago when Jesus rode into Jerusalem people honored Him as king, shouting Hosannah and throwing clothes and palm fronds on the ground in front of Him. A week later He was nailed to the cross with sign over His head that read “King of the Jews”. It seems that neither time the crowd really understood what it meant. Today, that title is still misunderstood or flat out ignored. I would like to spend some time today looking at the Scriptures that talk of Jesus as King and rejoice in …

Our Church Covenant

In the front of our church’s constitution booklet, you will find a page entitled “Church Covenant”.  If you do happen to take the time to start reading it, you might be tempted to quit after the first paragraph. It is written in an early 20th century style and starts out a little bit like a legal statement.  I can understand if you skip over it thinking it is irrelevant. That conclusion, however, is far from the truth.  The Church Covenant is actually a very important part of our Church Constitution and an important part of who we are as a …

What Makes Our Church Special Part 2

In the book of Revelation, Jesus dictates letters to seven different churches. It is clear that even back then churches were different, and some were clearly better than others. That is true as well today, and should make us wonder, what can we do to make sure we would get a good letter, if Jesus were writing one today?  This message, together with the previous one, asks “What makes our church special?” It is not just about discussing the distinctives of our church but gives us a chance to consider how we measure up according to God’s will for churches.  …

What Makes Our Church Special?

In our part of America, there are a lot of churches to choose from.  Even when you narrow your choices down by denomination, you may still find two or more options driving distance.  What makes our church special?  What sets First Baptist Church of Elimsport apart? First, it is important to realize that we are not in competition against other Bible believing, Gospel preaching churches.  All Christians are part of the body of Christ and have the same mission of making disciples of all people.  When looking for a church, you want to find one that is going to help …

What Makes a Baptist Baptist?

As you well know there are hundreds of church varieties.  Not only are there different religions, but within the different religions, there are different sub-groups.  Under the broad heading of “Christian”, there are Catholics and Protestants.  Under Protestants, there is an incredible diversity of denominations.  Some of the more well-known ones are Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, and Baptist, each having a variety of sub-groups within them. Today I want to address what sets traditional Baptists apart from these other denominations?  What makes us unique, why do we generally worship and function apart from these other groups?  While the answer to this …

Why Join a Church?

We have looked at the question, “Why come to Church?”, but it is important to go one step further and consider the question “Why Join a Church?”. Coming to church is visiting, joining a church is becoming an active participant. This message will dig into the benefits and obligations and talk about why God would want you to commit and become a member. I hope you will listen to this important message in our series on the local church.