Are you a spiritual person? The fact that you are here, reading this post seems to indicate that you are or that you at least have some interest in the spiritual. It is only, well, natural. We are spiritual creatures made in the image of the True God. Although we are a fallen and sin-corrupted image, we still are spiritual, longing to know and worship some form of deity. Unfortunately, there are many varying religions out there claiming to point you in the “right” direction, but only one True God, worthy of our worship. Do you know Him? Do you think you would recognize Him if you saw Him? Most, are actually running the opposite direction from Him.
The last message looked at the rise of the beast described in Revelation 13:1-10. He is a powerful, dynamic world ruler who promises to bring order to a chaotic world. The world will worship him and give him accolades that only God deserves. He is not alone, however, in this great deception and blasphemy. He has a partner, a religious leader who helps him gain the worship of this world. This message will look at the rise and nature of this partner in deception and will not only give insight into future events, but even more critically, will help give insight for living today. It is the goal of this message to help you be wise today, to help you know the deceptive powers of Satan. To help you guard against being fooled by them and, most importantly, to help you worship the one True God.