Jon and Korey Cooper wrote in the Skillet song “Hero”: I need a hero to save me now, I need a hero! (Save me now), I need a hero to save my life, A hero will save me (Just in time).
Maybe you can relate to that? I think it is true every time I read the latest news feed. Our world needs a hero, whether it is on the personal level or the grand scale of the universe. That need will reach its climax in the final days that God has described for us in the biblical book of Revelation. The final battle and the resulting establishment of His Kingdom is something all creation has been waiting for. It is what we are studying in Revelation 19.
What is important for us to realize, however, is that while we wait for that great day, Christ is offering to be the hero for you right now, in just the way you need. While He may not make the world perfect like we want this instant (that day is coming), He is here to be what you need now. I invite you to join in this study to see Christ both as the ultimate hero of the universe and the personal hero you need in this moment.