Life is filled with many anxious moments….especially in 2020. However, it is incredibly reassuring to know God watches over the affairs of our lives. Psalm 121–a song sung by the Israelites when they traveled to Jerusalem–reminds us that God watches over us during times of uncertainty. Come on out or log on Sunday morning to hear Paul Golden expound this great Psalm for us. The livestream will be available here Sunday morning at 10:45 or if you have questions about joining us in person at that time, please see below!
God Bless!
We will have one condensed service at 10:45 that we encourage you to attend as a family. There will not be Sunday school in the building nor any children’s ministries provided at this time. We will be evaluating carefully when we can do this without placing undue burdens or risk on anyone.
Families can and should sit together, please be sure to maintain 6ft between you and the next family or individual sitting in your row. Seating will be every other pew. The ends of the closed pews will be taped off to help facilitate this.
Please enter at the top level. The doors will be propped open on your arrival and when you exit to eliminate the need to touch door handles. We ask everyone to do their best to follow appropriate physical distancing during their time at the church building.
There will be hand sanitizer available on site near the entrances and with any tissue boxes.
The nursery will not be staffed however the room is available if you need to take care of your infant’s needs there.
Please do be very careful to cover any sneezes or coughs with your elbow and wash hands thoroughly and regularly.
We want to remind you that we will continue to provide the Livestream at our website, YouTube channel, and Facebook page. Please, do not come if anyone in your family is showing symptoms of illness or if your own health condition places you at risk.
Also, just to alleviate any concerns you may have, the cameras are positioned in the front of the seating area facing the platform, so there will not be any video taping of the congregation in the livestream broadcast, only what is up front.
Offering plates will be available at the end of the service in the back; they will not be passed at this time. Online giving continues to be available.
Thank you for bearing with all these “rules”. I really dislike giving them, but they are a necessity. I trust that you will be able to participate and worship our great Lord and Savior together with your church family!