Back to School With God

School. It’s a very controversial term. Some kids are excited about returning to school and will say so. Others loath the idea of returning and make that abundantly clear. What about adults? Again, we are divided. Some are glad to have the stable, six-hours-a-day, state mandated activity return. Others dread the transportation issues, the homework, the calls from the school office, or the need to begin homeschooling again.

Wherever you land on this, the fact is, education is necessary and all of us should seek to be lifetime learners. This is not just true in the academic realm, it is also true in the spiritual realm. Spiritual growth is a lifetime process that God calls us to and it is one that He often has to bring to us.

For the next few weeks, we will be talking about going “Back to School With God”.  It is a series on spiritual growth that will look at it from both sides: Our part in the process and God’s. My desire is to not only challenge us all in what we need to be doing, but also help us re-interpret what is happening to us. I want to help us all see the challenges and trials that life bring us as learning and growing opportunities from God for our ultimate good.  Are we willing to embrace going back to school with God?

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