Today we are excited to have with us Nicole from BCH. Nicole was our trainer for our Trauma Informed Care training seminar and today she is going to tell us about the multi-faceted ministry of BCH Inc.
Baptist Children’s Home was called into existence in 1955 by churches seeking assistance in caring for families and children. BCH, according to the biblical mandate in James 1:27 to “Care for the Fatherless”, answered this call and today cares for more than 800 children in the United States, India, Southeast Asia and Liberia.
BCH brings hope to hurting and troubled children and families, striving to teach them how to live godly in spite of painful or seemingly unfair circumstances. We provide this hope through group home and foster home care for children, Christian family and/or personal counseling, adoptive services, and care for pre-born children. In short, if it affects the family, BCH is there to help.
BCH is committed to following the small, family model to care for the children in our care. Hearts of Compassion homes provide houseparents in a small family setting for the orphans and semi-orphans in our care. The family unit is involved in and mentored by the local church. Our goal is to give each child a permanent family until adulthood.