What kind of God do you have? A distant God? A detached God? A God who is mostly confined to Sunday morning church services?
The story of Christmas is the factual account of how the Creator God of the universe became part of His creation by taking on human form. It is the account of how He humbled Himself to not only rescue us from our slavery to sin and certain damnation, but to give us new life, to give us purpose, and to be with us.
Can you comprehend the awesomeness of that last statement? God chose to be with us, to be one of us. The God of the universe chose to forever wrap Himself in humanity so that for a time He could literally walk among us as one of us and then die for us so that we could forever be with Him? Not only that, He has chosen to give His Holy Spirit to live in us now, those of us who are one of His. He doesn’t leave us alone to struggle and to do the work He gave us without help, but rather goes with us wherever we are.
Do you have that perspective, that God is with you right now? That when you go to do that hard thing you have to do later today or later this week, God is right there with you? That when you lay down at night or wake up in the morning, God is still with you? That He understands what it is like to be human? Come discover with me the teachings from God’s Word that show this is indeed reality. Begin today living your life from this incredible perspective.