Justice for All – Solutions to Racism

July 25, 2021 – Previously we looked at the problem of racism in the message found here; now we want to talk about how we should address it. It is good that there are many conversations being held in our country discussing this very topic, unfortunately, some of the conclusions being drawing are at least as damaging as the problem they purport to solve.  Sadly, it is one of these erroneous conclusions that is getting the most attention. Listen in to find out why this is, and to learn of a better way that takes into account the condition of every …

Justice for All Series: The Problem of Racism

July 18, 2021 – Racism has been a major issue in the news for decades, but especially these past 12 months.  The topic is hot and the views on it are many.  Some say its all fake news, that racism is not an issue in America.  They say it is just a created illusion being used for political purposes and to drum up viewers for the news stations.  Other’s say that it is persistent, systemic, and will never go away and all whites need to fess up to their lifelong racism that is inherent in their “whiteness”. What is true?  How …

Justice For All – What is our Authority?

In the battle against injustice, there is a major question that needs to be answered before we can make any significant forward progress.  We have to decide what injustice is!  Who gets to define it?  It is not until we define injustice can we set out to solve and eradicate it.  The problem is, there are many differing opinions both on what injustice is and how to fix  it, so we have to go back another layer and determine what authority source we are using to determine right from wrong. You see, the definition of right and wrong, justice and …

Justice for All

Social justice has been a major topic that has headlined news articles for over a year now.  There are very real issues of injustice in our country and in our world that need to be addressed, but sadly the whole topic has become extremely political and extremely divisive.  What is the solution?  Is there any hope for those who are hurting and in need?  How can they get justice? I am excited to begin a new series of messages today entitled “Justice for All”  I want to address the topic biblically, helping us to have a clear understanding of the …