In the Beginning – The Roots of the Christmas Story

Why Christmas? Why did Jesus come to earth as a baby?  Why did He die on the cross?  To understand the importance of Christmas and why it even exists, we need to go back to the beginning.  Not the beginning where the angel appears to Mary. Not even the account of John the Baptist’s birth being announced, nor the prophecies of Isaiah.  I am talking about going way back, to the very Beginning, to Genesis, to understand why we needed a Christmas. In this first installment of a 6-part Christmas series, it is my desire that we will all grasp …

The Praise Solution for Hard Times

What is your natural response to difficult times?  How do react with the going gets tough?  If you are like most of us, your response is not rejoicing!  It is not giving of thanks.  What if I told you, however, that those things are the right response? Now some of you might be thinking of the Bible’s teaching from James 1 where it says “my brothers, count it all joy when you fall into different trials, knowing that the testing of your faith works patience”.  That verse is true, but it might lack the depth of explanation you are looking …

Shoebox Sunday!

Today is a special day!  Each year we fill shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child and have a special Sunday where we pray for them and send them off.  We expect to have over 100 boxes to pray over this year!  The service is both a celebration and a time of prayer. We pray and ask God to guide the boxes to just the right places, connecting the right box with the right child.  We pray for God to already be working in the hearts of these children so that they will not only enjoy this physical expression of God’s love, …

Is it Political or Is it Biblical? Part 4

This final message in the series will complete our look at 5 key topics of our time.  We have been looking at what God says about the Economy, Immigration, Law and Order, and Sexual Issues, now we will look at the topic of Abortion.  Following a brief survey of God’s teaching on that critical topic, we will finish up by talking about hopes and ambitions.  Where does our hope really lie – in a perfect government?  In converting the country to our way of thinking?  Where is our confidence and what are our dreams?  What should we be seeking as …