What is your natural response to difficult times? How do react with the going gets tough? If you are like most of us, your response is not rejoicing! It is not giving of thanks. What if I told you, however, that those things are the right response?
Now some of you might be thinking of the Bible’s teaching from James 1 where it says “my brothers, count it all joy when you fall into different trials, knowing that the testing of your faith works patience”. That verse is true, but it might lack the depth of explanation you are looking for. Even if you believe it and want to obey it, you are left asking “how?”. That is what Psalm 40 is here to answer.
You see, the way forward is to take a minute to look back. Can you see God’s hand at work in past times in your life? Can you recall another rough patch in life that God has brought you through? Do you remember prayers that He answered in ways that amazed you? Help that showed up when it seemed there was no one to help? Psalm 40 models for us the importance of recalling God’s past interventions and blessings to help us persevere and regain trust and perspective now. It reminds us of the importance of remembering and proclaiming God’s great works; His mercy and grace and the specific reactions that we should have to them. I hope you will listen and be encouraged and blessed.