The Final Financial Collapse

There are two things that people all over the world tend to put their trust in: religion and wealth.  The last two messages from the book of Revelation addressed why people follow religion and the source of the many different religions they follow.  We saw what the ultimate end of those religions are in Revelation 17.  Now, in chapter 18, we see the fall of the second object of people’s trust and passion: wealth. Wealth in itself is not evil, but wealth as a passion, as a goal, is.  In fact, God calls greed equal to idolatry and here in …

The Beginning and End of False Religion – Part 2

This message continues our study of Revelation 17 and the final end of all false religions.  As we said last time, false religion is like fake medicine.  It is taken by someone who is dying hoping to be made well.  Worse than just being sick, the person taking fake medicine believes they are getting better.  They think they are okay and therefore are not seeking help. Satan uses false religion to accomplish his goal of redirecting all worship away from the true God and manipulate mankind to follow him instead.  Satan’s superpower has always been deception and death and during …

The Beginning and End of False Religion – Revelation 17

False religion is like fake medicine.  It is taken by someone who is dying hoping to be made well.  Worse than just being sick, the person taking fake medicine believes they are getting better.  They think they are okay and therefore are not seeking help. Dr. John MacArthur Jr. writes “All the false religions of the world are attempts to run from the true God. They’re all satanic counterfeits sending men in the opposite direction from God. Isaiah 53, verse 6 sums it up: “All we like sheep have gone astray, turned everyone to his own way.” We’re like sheep …

The Final Judgment of This World

Justice requires judgment.  Evil cannot ultimately coexist with justice and righteousness.  Contrary to popular belief, however, God is not eager to judge.  He is actually very slow to do it.  In the Bible, in 2 Peter 3:9 we read, “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.”  God is waiting for more people to receive the gift that Jesus provided.  He is waiting for more people to turn to Him.  Justice, however, cannot wait forever.  There has to …

Avoiding Dullness in the New Year

Dull is not usually a positive word.  No one wants to be accused of being dull and we aren’t usually looking to have a boring time.  This message is about how to avoid dullness; not being boring or plain, but rather it discusses our spiritual condition. It is about our minds and hearts when it comes to things of God.  It addresses a very serious topic in a positive way.  I hope you will choose to start your year joining the service, either in person or right here online. Our morning service begins at 10:45.