Obeying the Call God Has Given Every Believer

It is easy to have the mindset that reaching the world for Christ is the work of a few special people.  We hear the testimonies of missionaries and their work in other countries and are impressed at what they do and the sacrifices they make.  You might even be among the faithful that give and pray for missions.  You may go to church and get excited about what you see God doing there.  But did you know, the work of reaching the lost with the message of the Gospel is not just for a select few?  It is not just …

Happy Father’s Day!

Is it okay to wish someone Happy Father’s Day??  We live in a world that is very fractured and polarized.  Currently, one of the most contentious issues is that of human sexuality.  With so much division and confusion, some might be wondering if celebrating a father figure and saying what a good job he has done is fitting when so many can’t agree on what that all means! Thankfully, God has no confusion and really, we have no reason to be confused either.  God has told us clearly in His Word what it means to be both a man and …

Delighting in God’s Design – Made for a Bigger Purpose

What brings you lasting satisfaction? Satisfaction that you are accomplishing something meaningful with your life, satisfaction that says, “This thing that I am investing in is good, it is much bigger than me, and will outlast me.” Can you come up with anything? I hope so. Let me ask you this, how much does that thing drive you? Is it something you spend a little time with or a lot?  And by how long will it outlast you? Do you know, God did not intend for us to live futile lives?  He desires for us to know that our life …

Delighting in God’s Design – for You!

Do you believe that everything just happens by chance?  That any meaning in life is only what we can get from the face value of all that happens?  God wants us to be rescued from the despair of the mindset.  He wants us to that, while we live in a fallen world with much evil, He is working behind the scenes to execute His redemption plan.  He also wants you to know that He knows you!  You have meaning to Him and He loves you.  He wants you to be part of His family and He wants to do great …