Remembering Who We Are, How We Got Here, and Where We are Going

The night before His crucifixion, Jesus gave His disciples a very important command. It was not the “Go” command that He gave before leaving earth, but it was an equally important perpetual command that calls us to come together in the midst of our going and doing. It was the command to regularly and perpetually partake of the cup and the bread together as a local church. It was a command to eat and drink in remembrance of Christ coming and dying for our sins on the cross. It was also given as a time to celebrate our unity with …

Working to be Conspicuous

Standing out can be a good thing…or a bad thing.  It all depends what you stand out for.  I remember a classmate in college that would often walk into class late with his thick hair sporting a serious case of pillow head.  He stood out! It is much better to stand out for a good reason, like being godly.  We are looking at Philippians 2 and when Paul finished describing the example of Jesus Christ coming to earth as a man to die on the cross for us, he makes an application for us.  He tells us to “work out” …

Worshiping Our Exalted Christ

It has been the goal of Satan down through time to rob Jesus Christ of the glory that He deserves.  He not only works to keep unbelievers from the truth, but is very active deceiving believers.  Some of his most destructive work is causing confusion and false teaching in the church. Our passage for today in Philippians 2 speaks to the heart of the Gospel, the deity of Jesus Christ and His current position on His throne in heaven.  The truths of this passage cut to the heart of some of the most damnable heresies of Satan.  It also addresses …

Adopting the Mind of Christ

We live in a “Me” centered world.  While we talk about kindness towards others, we are at the same time saturated with a “Me First” mentality.  It is promoted in nearly every corner of our culture, sadly even in the church at times. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, there is no such message.  Paul’s letter is meant to counter that corrosive mentality head on.  Not only are we taught to put others first, Paul takes us to the greatest example ever of this truth, Jesus Christ.  I encourage you to explore the rich, Christ-centered text of Philippians 2:5-8 with …

Unity Through Humility

It seems we live in a time marked most by disunity.  Over the course of 2020 and the years following, we as a society have become more and more polarized.  Sadly, it has been true in the church as well, and that is a tragedy. At the heart of disunity is pride.  We all think we know better and ARE better than everyone else.  I remember once, many years ago, a political cartoon mocking one of the many presidential candidates.  It showed him holding a sign that said, “Everyone else is an elitest pig”.  That about sums it up for …