Sharing the Gift

I want to look at the example of the shepherds in Luke 2 this morning and learn some lessons from them.  What did they do when they heard the good news of the arrival of Messiah?  What were the results? The gift of Christmas, the Gospel, is such an amazing gift that is meant to be shared, not horded.  It grows with sharing, it gets better with sharing, and God gets glorified.  Why don’t we share it more than we do?  Why don’t we act like the shepherds every day?  This message will explore what inhibits us and opens the …

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

We would love to have you join us for our Annual Christmas Eve Service at 7 PM! We will be reading the Christmas story from the Scriptures, signing some carols, and enjoying some special music that has been prepared.  The service will last about 1 hour and ends with us singing Silent Night by candlelight.

Carols of Christmas and Their Stories

Have you ever wondered what led to the writing of “Oh Little Town of Bethlehem” or “Go Tell it on the Mountain”? In our children’s Christmas program this year, they will not only perform some of your favorite Christmas Songs, but will also be telling you the stories behind them. Come out at 6:30 tonight for this special service! Live Stream Link on YouTube

The Joy of Knowing Christ as Your King

I just can’t get away from the theme of “Jesus is King.”  We began looking at this in the last message, the fact that Jesus came in fulfillment of many prophecies naming Him ruler and King, not just of Israel, but of the world.  In fact, this is why Herod ordered the massacre of all the babies that first Christmas, because the wise men came to worship the newborn “King of the Jews”, and indeed, that is what Pilot also called Him when He crucified Him. In talking about His Kingship, we also talked about His goodness, His love and …

Worshiping Christ as King

This is the season we celebrate the birth of our Savior.  We celebrate baby Jesus in the manger, and we talk about all that He has done for us by becoming one of us.  It is easy to overlook one very important aspect of Jesus in the midst of His condescension – the fact that He is and will be the King!  As we worship Him together as our loving, humble Savior, let’s remember what He stepped away from to come to earth and what it will look like when He comes again to take His rightful place ruling and …

The Wonder of the Incarnation

The significance of Jesus’ birth is a vast ocean that cannot be contained in one sermon or even a series of sermons. Jesus and His glorious work of salvation on our behalf permeates every page of Scripture. This message seeks to highlight some of the key aspects of Christ coming to earth and becoming a man. Taken from Hebrews 2 it just skims some of the cream of the top of this glorious subject. I trust that you will be blessed as you grow in the knowledge of God’s wonderful work of salvation.  

The Nutcracker Suite

The Nutcracker is a story of a battle between good and evil.  In Clara’s dream, she is thrown into a world where the evil mouse queen desires to rule the kingdom.  But Clara and the Nutcracker fight to restore goodness and peace to the land of sweets. While we know that the Nutcracker is a fictional fairytale, the battle between good and evil is very real.  The good news is that the end has already been determined, because Jesus conquered the enemy when He died on the cross to pay the price for our sin, and then came back to …

Christology – the Doctrine of Christ

Where is your trust?  That is the question I hope you will consider very seriously as we take our first look at the doctrine of Jesus Christ, known as Christology.  Rather than take a purely systematic approach to this doctrine by drawing from a multitude of passages, I want to spend our time looking at Isaiah 7-9.  I thought it would be fitting, since we are entering the Christmas season, to look at this Old Testament prophecy as our basis for developing some of the major teachings on the Messiah, Jesus Christ.  I hope this study blesses you and causes …